From Vision to Mission

Providing engineered turnkey special mission solutions!

Airspace surveillance requires highly developed flying platforms and flexible solutions that can be integrated modularly into a variety of aircrafts. We have substantial experience in surveillance and reconnaissance special mission installation. You are welcome to challenge our team of aviation engineers and technicians with your requirements; from project management to design and engineering, from installation to certification; we at AGM Aviation provide turnkey solutions for your special mission requirements.


Main Solutions:

  • ISR – Intelligence Surveillance Reconnaissance
  • ASIO – Airborne Surveillance Intelligence & Observation System
  • Flight Inspection Systems
  • Environmental monitoring & Control
  • Search & Rescue /MEDEVAC
  • Digital Mapping & Photography
  • Additional Customized Solutions


ASIO is an airborne platform that provides decision makers and field commanders with accurate, real-time Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) information including Communications Intelligence (COMINT), Electronic Intelligence (ELINT), and Imagery Intelligence (IMINT).

ASIO is highly customizable and can address diverse operational requirements including: terrestrial surveillance, maritime patrol and targeted monitoring. The solution can be installed on various aircrafts, with a wide range of sensors and subsystems, all integrated into a mission management system that provides a unified picture and real-time situational awareness.

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AGM develops transport and patient care solutions for hospitals, charter companies, military institutes and government-related agencies.

Through years of experience with the ADAC Medical Evacuation Service and Spectrum Aeromed R&D specialists, BBA Special Mission engineers outfit jets and turboprop aircraft with all the technical equipment required to create a flying ambulance. Advising on every aspect of selecting a trusted system for air emergency and recumbent transport, AGM will deliver a fully installed flying ambulance that meets your demands and is deployable globally – even in the most challenging medical environments.

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AGM can install complex photography equipment to your aircrafts, allowing you to meet the most demanding photography and mapping requirements. High resolution, Multi & Hyper Spectral cameras are used for many applications of environment monitoring, mapping, Forestry / Agriculture monitoring, weather control and many other applications.

AGM also provides maintenance and upkeep of the aircraft’s sensitive measurement instruments.

Various camera systems can be installed and used for:

  • Monitoring of power and gas lines
  • 3D Geo data gathering
  • Aerial photography and laser scanning
  • Weather monitoring and cloud seeding
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